The purchase of coins and/or bullion items is speculative and involves risk. As in other markets, precious metals prices can be volatile and will rise and fall depending on market conditions. RPMEX does not guarantee that any item(s) purchased will be able to be sold for a profit in the future and products may lose value over time. While RPMEX may voluntarily make an offer to repurchase coins from a customer, RPMEX is under no legal obligation to make such an offer, and RPMEX does not guarantee to make such an offer. RPMEX does not guarantee to make a market in the coins it sells. Therefore, before purchasing precious metals products, you should first have adequate reserves and other assets to absorb a potential loss.
Grades and descriptions of rare coins are opinions, not statements of fact or guarantees, and are based on standards and interpretations that can and do change over time. RPMEX uses contemporary grading standards and interpretations to grade coins. RPMEX relies upon the opinions of independent grading services such as Professional Coin Grading Service a.k.a. PCGS and Numismatic Guaranty Corporation of America a.k.a. NGC. RPMEX does not guarantee that the coins it sells will achieve the same grades from RPMEX itself or from any independent grading service in the future. RPMEX guarantees only that every coin it sells is genuine, and RPMEX expressly disclaims any other warranties with respect to the coins, expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Holding Period
Past performance is not an indication of future value. Historically, few coins or bullion items have appreciated dramatically in the short term. Therefore, RPMEX offers no advice or recommendations regarding the holding period of collectible coins to have any chance for appreciation. RPMEX does not guarantee that any item(s) purchased from RPMEX can or will be able to be sold for a profit in the future. Products may lose value over time.
The editorial and commentary content at RPMEX.COM has been prepared for informational and thought-provoking purposes. RPMEX.COM do not purport to predict or forecast actual market results. The editorial opinions and commentary is not to be construed as investment advice or a recommendation regarding any particular security, commodity, or course of action. Opinions expressed herein cannot be attributable to RPMEX.COM. The information is not a solicitation or advice to make any exchange in commodities, securities, or other financial instruments. RPMEX shall not have any liability for any damages of any kind whatsoever relating to the content provided. You should consult your advisers with respect to these areas. By posting this editorial, you acknowledge, understand, and accept this disclaimer.