Better Date $20 Special – Certified PCGS MS62 1897-P $20 Liberties

We are offering of up to 100 Certified PCGS MS62 1897-P $20 Liberties @ $2,165 per coin. The 1897-P has a PCGS population that is only 11 % of the population for the most common 1904(8496 vs. 76,749) but is being offered at just $40 over the price of commons on our Certified Gold Price Sheet. The 1897-S also has a mintage that it only about 22% of the 1904-P.

If you’re interested in the entire lot, give us a call, we’re open to offers!

1897-P1904-P (most common)
Mintage 1,383,174Mintage 6,256,699
Population 8,496Population 76,749
CU $2,600